Senior Client Support Specialist, Tempest
Josef Victor
iDSS 101: Mastering the Basics
Tuesday, June 24th (Day 1)
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Rock Island
Get up to speed with iDSS in this comprehensive overview session. Whether you're a newbie or a veteran looking for a refresher, this session's got you covered. Learn about key features and their real-world applications, discover tips for creating efficient workflows, and uncover time-saving strategies. Bring your laptop and login credentials for a hands-on experience.
Visitor Centers & Inquiries: Optimizing Engagement with iDSS
Tuesday, June 24th (Day 1)
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Rock Island
Unlock the full potential of iDSS for your visitor centers and inquiry management. Learn how to leverage your CRM to track foot traffic, handle inquiries efficiently, and streamline RFP distribution. Discover practical strategies to boost traveler engagement and make your destination shine. Bring your laptop and iDSS login for a hands-on experience that'll revolutionize your visitor services.